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Where can I find my online Code Cards?
Where can I find my online Code Cards?

Code Cards

Ryan avatar
Written by Ryan
Updated over a week ago

As we continue to upgrade and improve our services we are now offering our online Code Cards as a digital product instead of you having to wait for these to be shipped out as the case was previously. In doing so there is now a new location to find your online code cards on your account.

When you have completed your purchase for the online code card/s please wait a short while for the system to update then go to your account, found at the top right of the screen on the desktop as an outline of a person and in the Menu tab accessible from the three lines on the top left-hand side on mobile. (see screenshots)

On desktop, this will open up a drop-down menu where you can sign into your account and then when you click the account icon again this will take you to your account page on the website where there will be several headings on the left and here you will find a heading labelled my orders

Click on this and your orders will list on the screen. Find the order for your code and click view order.

There will then be a yellow button on the side that states show digital code. This will then open up your order and show the codes you have purchased

On Mobile, go to the left hand side of the screen where you will find the menu button (three horizontal lines)

From here you can log into your account

Once you have signed in you will need to tap on the menu button again and you will be greeted with three tabs Menu, Account and Settings. Tap on the Account tab and tap on the My Orders heading

From this option, your orders will show up. Locate your order with the code cards and open it up and you will find the Show Digital Code button to the right. Once you tap on this your codes will appear

If you still have issues locating your codes please give our support team a message and they will be happy to help in any way they can

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